Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Bit coins and US market top

I almost bought some Bit Coins (virtual currency).  The price shot up from the 300's to the 700's in a few weeks.  Unbelievable!  It has now dropped to the 500's.  Guess i'll have to get on the game.  But, have to be careful.  It is very risky now and the returns (if it goes well) can be very rewarding.

In regards to the US market top I had posted about, we are still waiting for market top next year (not this end of year anymore - crossing fingers).  Tony from Caldaro's site is forecasting for a market top this coming year by early Spring or so.  If not, the markets may get an extension to the 1900 or 2200s (S&P point wise).  This is still good news!  But, it all depends on how the FED printing policies will remain and how the goverment budget spending is taken care of.

For now, i will sit back and try to enjoy the ride until the above gets resolved.  There are many analysts and Elliothicians calling for a Primary wave down that should take the markets for a test down to the 8 to 14% of market loss in the coming weeks or months.  So, i'm going to keep an eye and hope to catch the long ride down and up through the months to come.

My trading strategy and gains:

401k = 20.5% up YTD (0% invested - waiting for drop to past).  Projection by end of year is 24%
Brokerage = 14.8% up YTD (5% invested on double long ETFs and Natural Gas double long ETF)  Projection by end of year is 28%

-- This is Market Analysis, not a recommendation.

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