- joseph3000 says:Wow. That’s deep! I still like Tony tho. Is there anyone out there who is more accurate than Tony? Don’t think so… I’m a OEW graduate too and find this site more helpful than many others. Hope you didn’t miss this rally : ). Remember, this is not a short term/day trading site. Gl Erka
A lot of counts from bloggers are in contradiction with Tony’s main analysis.
Tony has completely lost it.
His calls make no sense whatsoever, they are inconsistent.
He counts waves C as abc structures outside of the exclusive triangle formation when it suits him and when he is stuck with a count, in contradiction with all basic EW rules.
He maintains his inate call for P4 and P5 to end in a 3 or 4 months.
He has major waves lasting a few weeks and Intermediate a few months.
All this time he has been praised for correctly deciphering when in fact his great strength is too appear to quickly adjust when he makes a bad call which happens more often than not.
His pivots only work randomly. The latest market end points: 1726 and 1640 are outside of his pivot range.
This site and this method is a fraud and the current market moves are exposing it as such on a daily basis.